Kind of a rambly entry...
Car accident stuff is moving along. Still no rental. Got a lawyer. Dad's fiancee is going to be letting me use her car until I get a rental since she doesn't have to work all week. Thank goodness :) My car is still in the back of the driveway... and it makes me sad to look at her. My poor tank :(
Went to the hospital on Friday night to get checked out after everyone (literally... my parents, uncles and aunts, friends, co-workers) insisted that I should. Nothing broken and no internal bleeding. No concussion (which I coulda told ya). A lot of bumps and bruises though... bruised ribs, banged up knee... lots of pulled muscles. But nothing that some heat and rest won't cure. My lawyer, and several others, were really shocked that I walked away from it in that good of shape. I don't know how it happened but It's definately a wonderful thing.
Anyway, in a bit my mom, aunt and I are going shopping for Thanksgiving food. I offered to make the cranberry sauce and the pumpkin pie. I'm excited to make both. I'm making Orange-Cranberry Sauce and a Pumpkin Pie... the pie isn't quite from scratch but it's also not going to be one that I take out of a box and throw into the oven either. It's an "Easy" pumpkin pie recipie I'll try to get pictures of all of it on Wednesday night when I make it. If anyone is interested in the recipes that I'm using lemme know and I'll post them later.
Also hopefully going to do some shopping while out with my mom. I need shirts like whoa. I also need to get on listing some of my old clothes so I can do a sales post on LJ's fatshionista this week.
I went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up at 8 this morning. I had taken a Flexerol earlier in the day to help the stiffness and the pain was so bad at night that I took a Vicoden. I had a reaction to the Vicoden I think, which has never happened before (not that I've been on it a whole lotta times either...) but I'm all splotchy especially on my legs. Yikes.
Went out with my dad and his fiancee yesterday. We went to a fabric store she frequents and as an early Christmas gift my dad got me a book on knitting as well as yarn and needles... I'm excited. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. So hopefully that will be started soon.
For now I'm going to go read more of Goldengrove by Francine Prose, until my mom gets here to pick me up.
... How I despise not having a car!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Screw you North East Ohio Winter!
So I got into my first ever big (i.e. twisted metal and undriveable car my only other accident while driving was a rear end accident and then I was in one with each of my parents, neither too horrible) car accident today. All thanks to the icy roads and my city's apparent no care attitude about putting salt on the roads.
I left to go to work a few minutes early today just because I knew it had snowed and it could be icky out. Got to the top of my street and onto the street that takes me to I90. Next street over from me a guy is coming up and hits ice and can't stop. I see it and thinking that, like a normal snowy day, at least this somewhat main road (that has a school another block and a half up the street) would have been salted I start to apply careful pressure to my breaks. I hit a patch of ice and go careening into a telephone pole. The guy who slid through the stop sign, ended up safely in someone else's driveway. How's that for unfair?
It took the cops a while to get there. My mom and dad came up as well since after the cops were called I informed them of what was going on. I didn't realize how bad my car was until I got out of it finally....
The first two pictures were taken at the accident site with my cell phone. The rest were after we had it towed to my house. Click on the pictures to see the full extent... the first two you can see the pole in if you click.

Those are just a few of the pictures that were taken. Upon my dad's insistence I went to the hospital to get checked out. Whiplash, bruised ribs, and some bumps and bruises but overall I'm alright.
The other guy was cited at fault for the accident. So I spent time on the phone with insurance companies (his and mine). The claims adjuster from his company has yet to call back... but the dealership they want my car to be fixed at called and is ready when I am to tow my car there. I won't let that happen until I speak to the claims adjuster and am assured that they are paying for all of it and that I will have a rental car.
I'm really hoping they will settle this easily. I'm terrified that they will play games and such... that means lawyers and court... all I want is a driveable car and my car fixed, preferably. If they total it out I'm screwed because there's no way they will give me what my car is really worth. For a '95 it's in great shape and runs like a dream.... well it did until today. I love that car though and I really want it back!! It's a tank!
This is the first time since I got my license at 19 that I am completely dependent on someone else to drive me everywhere for everything and I hate it!!
Anyone who has to drive in snowy weather, be careful!!!
I still love the snow though...
I left to go to work a few minutes early today just because I knew it had snowed and it could be icky out. Got to the top of my street and onto the street that takes me to I90. Next street over from me a guy is coming up and hits ice and can't stop. I see it and thinking that, like a normal snowy day, at least this somewhat main road (that has a school another block and a half up the street) would have been salted I start to apply careful pressure to my breaks. I hit a patch of ice and go careening into a telephone pole. The guy who slid through the stop sign, ended up safely in someone else's driveway. How's that for unfair?
It took the cops a while to get there. My mom and dad came up as well since after the cops were called I informed them of what was going on. I didn't realize how bad my car was until I got out of it finally....
The first two pictures were taken at the accident site with my cell phone. The rest were after we had it towed to my house. Click on the pictures to see the full extent... the first two you can see the pole in if you click.
Those are just a few of the pictures that were taken. Upon my dad's insistence I went to the hospital to get checked out. Whiplash, bruised ribs, and some bumps and bruises but overall I'm alright.
The other guy was cited at fault for the accident. So I spent time on the phone with insurance companies (his and mine). The claims adjuster from his company has yet to call back... but the dealership they want my car to be fixed at called and is ready when I am to tow my car there. I won't let that happen until I speak to the claims adjuster and am assured that they are paying for all of it and that I will have a rental car.
I'm really hoping they will settle this easily. I'm terrified that they will play games and such... that means lawyers and court... all I want is a driveable car and my car fixed, preferably. If they total it out I'm screwed because there's no way they will give me what my car is really worth. For a '95 it's in great shape and runs like a dream.... well it did until today. I love that car though and I really want it back!! It's a tank!
This is the first time since I got my license at 19 that I am completely dependent on someone else to drive me everywhere for everything and I hate it!!
Anyone who has to drive in snowy weather, be careful!!!
I still love the snow though...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
(Old) Habits Die Hard
It's after midnight and I work at 8:45 tomorrow as usual. I suppose this entry is a good intro to what I like to call LNTs (Late Night Thoughts). LNTs are basically me babbling a bit on random topics that are flowing through my head... or a big entry on one topic that has been brewing and I finally have the words for. This one... is the former.
I can't wait for the holidays. It's already snowing here and it's making me really excited. This is the first year that I've been able to really do things for those that I love. I'm excited to make my orange cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving next week. I'm excited to put up the tree and wrap gifts. I'm excited to make candy for my co-workers. I'm really looking forward to that week and a half off of work.
I'll have health insurance soon. Thank goodness!
I've realized how much I value the fact that I have become so organized and even downright anal about getting things done. The fact that I don't leave things to the last second nearly as often any more (hey, it still happens I'm not perfect) and I make sure to take the time to get things where they need to go - especially important things.
I'm getting antsy to be able to move. I have a goal for my savings account that I want to hit before I even start looking. But I go on craigslist and start apartment lusting... My goal is to be in and well settled by this time next year so that I can host Thanksgiving and Christmas at my own place.
I really want a second job, but this economy stinks. I'm thankful I have a job (I teach toddlers at a daycare center) that pays the bills and will offer health insurance after my 90 days, don't get me wrong. But it would really help this moving thing if I got a second job.
I've been rather introspective tonight. Ideas for future blogs with some substance and real thought are brewing in my brain, yay!
I can't wait for the holidays. It's already snowing here and it's making me really excited. This is the first year that I've been able to really do things for those that I love. I'm excited to make my orange cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving next week. I'm excited to put up the tree and wrap gifts. I'm excited to make candy for my co-workers. I'm really looking forward to that week and a half off of work.
I'll have health insurance soon. Thank goodness!
I've realized how much I value the fact that I have become so organized and even downright anal about getting things done. The fact that I don't leave things to the last second nearly as often any more (hey, it still happens I'm not perfect) and I make sure to take the time to get things where they need to go - especially important things.
I'm getting antsy to be able to move. I have a goal for my savings account that I want to hit before I even start looking. But I go on craigslist and start apartment lusting... My goal is to be in and well settled by this time next year so that I can host Thanksgiving and Christmas at my own place.
I really want a second job, but this economy stinks. I'm thankful I have a job (I teach toddlers at a daycare center) that pays the bills and will offer health insurance after my 90 days, don't get me wrong. But it would really help this moving thing if I got a second job.
I've been rather introspective tonight. Ideas for future blogs with some substance and real thought are brewing in my brain, yay!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Domestic Diva Nerd
I figure what better way to start up blogging again then to explain my lovely title and subtitle.
Anyone who is a Chuck Palahniuk fan may recognize the "I just had a near life experience". To be exact it was "We just had a near life experience", in the book and the movie Fight Club. Which, is an amazing book and film and everyone should run out and get a copy of both.
Anyway. This title became the title of a few of my random blogs (Bloop, LJ, and even was my myspace headline for a while) after my suicide attempt in September of 2007. Yes, I said it. I'm not ashamed of it and I'm very thankful that I survived. However even after other blogs changed titles and such, I decided to keep it here... it fits.
Also to explain.. Domestic Diva Nerd. I love all things homemaking. I love to cook, clean, organize and find fun and unique ways to do it all. I also have a penchant for Coach purses, and shopping. The nerd portion... my love for video games, reading, blogging... things that I love to do that many many of my IRL friends don't and think I'm a dork for doing so. I relish my dorkiness.
My living situation is less than stellar. I live at my father's house while he stays with his fiancee very often. Mostly at this point it is because of the near 17 year old dog that we have so I can take care of her. I want nothing more than to have a place of my own.
Not sure why the really old entries (that oddly stopped right before the aforementioned suicide attempt) are still up... as they are nothing of the direction that I want to do here. I expect to post my apartment hunting adventures in a few months. Pictures of foods/crafts that I create. Christmas decorations will be a must. And of course the occasional stellar shopping find.
I love to read blogs, so if you have any suggestions, send 'em my way :)
Anyone who is a Chuck Palahniuk fan may recognize the "I just had a near life experience". To be exact it was "We just had a near life experience", in the book and the movie Fight Club. Which, is an amazing book and film and everyone should run out and get a copy of both.
Anyway. This title became the title of a few of my random blogs (Bloop, LJ, and even was my myspace headline for a while) after my suicide attempt in September of 2007. Yes, I said it. I'm not ashamed of it and I'm very thankful that I survived. However even after other blogs changed titles and such, I decided to keep it here... it fits.
Also to explain.. Domestic Diva Nerd. I love all things homemaking. I love to cook, clean, organize and find fun and unique ways to do it all. I also have a penchant for Coach purses, and shopping. The nerd portion... my love for video games, reading, blogging... things that I love to do that many many of my IRL friends don't and think I'm a dork for doing so. I relish my dorkiness.
My living situation is less than stellar. I live at my father's house while he stays with his fiancee very often. Mostly at this point it is because of the near 17 year old dog that we have so I can take care of her. I want nothing more than to have a place of my own.
Not sure why the really old entries (that oddly stopped right before the aforementioned suicide attempt) are still up... as they are nothing of the direction that I want to do here. I expect to post my apartment hunting adventures in a few months. Pictures of foods/crafts that I create. Christmas decorations will be a must. And of course the occasional stellar shopping find.
I love to read blogs, so if you have any suggestions, send 'em my way :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Been a long time...
Wow. To be honest, I had completely forgotten about my blog here until I got a comment on my Practical Magic blog... and I have decided to revive it.
So much has happened since my last post in September of 2007. Things fell apart and have slowly been coming back together again. All of that is a story for another time though.
For now... here we go again.
So much has happened since my last post in September of 2007. Things fell apart and have slowly been coming back together again. All of that is a story for another time though.
For now... here we go again.
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