Monday, November 17, 2008

Domestic Diva Nerd

I figure what better way to start up blogging again then to explain my lovely title and subtitle.

Anyone who is a Chuck Palahniuk fan may recognize the "I just had a near life experience". To be exact it was "We just had a near life experience", in the book and the movie Fight Club. Which, is an amazing book and film and everyone should run out and get a copy of both.

Anyway. This title became the title of a few of my random blogs (Bloop, LJ, and even was my myspace headline for a while) after my suicide attempt in September of 2007. Yes, I said it. I'm not ashamed of it and I'm very thankful that I survived. However even after other blogs changed titles and such, I decided to keep it here... it fits.

Also to explain.. Domestic Diva Nerd. I love all things homemaking. I love to cook, clean, organize and find fun and unique ways to do it all. I also have a penchant for Coach purses, and shopping. The nerd portion... my love for video games, reading, blogging... things that I love to do that many many of my IRL friends don't and think I'm a dork for doing so. I relish my dorkiness.

My living situation is less than stellar. I live at my father's house while he stays with his fiancee very often. Mostly at this point it is because of the near 17 year old dog that we have so I can take care of her. I want nothing more than to have a place of my own.

Not sure why the really old entries (that oddly stopped right before the aforementioned suicide attempt) are still up... as they are nothing of the direction that I want to do here. I expect to post my apartment hunting adventures in a few months. Pictures of foods/crafts that I create. Christmas decorations will be a must. And of course the occasional stellar shopping find.

I love to read blogs, so if you have any suggestions, send 'em my way :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*waves* looking forward to more!