Tuesday, November 18, 2008

(Old) Habits Die Hard

It's after midnight and I work at 8:45 tomorrow as usual. I suppose this entry is a good intro to what I like to call LNTs (Late Night Thoughts). LNTs are basically me babbling a bit on random topics that are flowing through my head... or a big entry on one topic that has been brewing and I finally have the words for. This one... is the former.

I can't wait for the holidays. It's already snowing here and it's making me really excited. This is the first year that I've been able to really do things for those that I love. I'm excited to make my orange cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving next week. I'm excited to put up the tree and wrap gifts. I'm excited to make candy for my co-workers. I'm really looking forward to that week and a half off of work.

I'll have health insurance soon. Thank goodness!

I've realized how much I value the fact that I have become so organized and even downright anal about getting things done. The fact that I don't leave things to the last second nearly as often any more (hey, it still happens I'm not perfect) and I make sure to take the time to get things where they need to go - especially important things.

I'm getting antsy to be able to move. I have a goal for my savings account that I want to hit before I even start looking. But I go on craigslist and start apartment lusting... My goal is to be in and well settled by this time next year so that I can host Thanksgiving and Christmas at my own place.

I really want a second job, but this economy stinks. I'm thankful I have a job (I teach toddlers at a daycare center) that pays the bills and will offer health insurance after my 90 days, don't get me wrong. But it would really help this moving thing if I got a second job.

I've been rather introspective tonight. Ideas for future blogs with some substance and real thought are brewing in my brain, yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait until winter and Christmas. I am wanting it entirely too much, lol. And tomorrow is 63 degrees high, it depresses me.